Welcome [wlm_firstname] to Member’s Area

Note from Maren: You are an official member of the Eating Works Revitalization Program. I’m excited to be working with you and can’t wait to see you progress through my program!

On this page you will find everything you need while going through the program.  After each week a new Module will be unlocked below with video content, slides, and sometimes handouts.

I will book individual phone calls directly with you each week and provide you meal plan and adjustments separate from these modules.

You can reach me via email anytime at: maren@eatingworks.com

You are currently on: [wlm_memberlevel]


MODULE 1: What is constipation? How it effects our bodies and how we can reverse it.

[wlm_private “Module 1”]

Click the following link to download the slides: Module 1 Slides
In order to best serve you on our first call together I need you to fill out a health history form and please fill out my waiver.  Please fill out the form and email it to maren@eatingworks.com , you can download the form by clicking the following link: Health History Form

After that, we will pick a date and time for your first coaching call.



MODULE 2: How to Remove Old Blockages and Prevent New Ones

[wlm_private “Module 2”]

Click the following link to download the slides: Module 2 Slides



MODULE 3: Foods to avoid, foods to enjoy, why and how to tell the difference

[wlm_private “Module 3”]

Click the following link to download the slides: Module 3 Slides
Click this link to download the handout: Handout for Module 4



MODULE 4: Shopping, stocking a pantry, navigating food labels, menus, and social events

[wlm_private “Module 4”]

Click the following link to download the slides:Module 4 Slides



MODULE 5: Demystifying Colonics, Enemas, Supplements, and How to Use Them

[wlm_private “Module 5”]

Click the following link to download the slides: Module 5 Slides



MODULE 6: Wrap Up ( Audio Only )

[wlm_private “Module 6”]
