Eating Works » Gluten Free Info » Is Honey Gluten Free?

Is Honey Gluten Free?

If you’re new to a gluten free diet you may be wondering, “Is Honey Gluten Free?” Find out if honey is safe to eat if you’re on a gluten free diet whether you’re combating celiac, IBS or any other digestive disorder.

is honey gluten free, Is Honey Gluten Free?

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Is Honey Gluten Free?

The short answer to that question is, yes! Honey is gluten free! Isn’t that amazing news? If you’re starting a gluten free diet you can enjoy plain honey in your tea, coffee, dressings, dips and desserts!

Honey is a naturally occurring food product that’s made by bees! Honey bees drink the nectar from flowers and then regurgitate it back at the hive. They dump the nectar into cells called a honey comb. Then they dry the nectar with their wings. Once the nectar is dry the bees coat the honeycomb in wax to seal it.

Because honey is a natural phenomenon that comes from insects and flower nectar, it’s naturally gluten free. Animal products in general are all gluten free. Gluten is typically found in grains like wheat, rye, barley, durham and semolina flour.

photo of honey in a jar with honey dripping from a spoon with text that says honey is naturally gluten free

Ingredients in Honey

  • glucose
  • fructose (fruit sugar)
  • water
  • minerals
  • vitamins
  • protien
  • polysaccharides (carbohydrates)

Raw honey may also have bees wax, honey comb and residue from dead bees in it. But don’t worry these impurities are filtered out before the honey is packaged.

In essence, honey is generally made up of carbohydrates and sugar. No wonder it tastes so good!

Health Benefits of Honey

Unless you’re limiting your sugar intake, honey is beneficial for your health in small amounts. Honey has

  1. Antiviral Properties
  2. Can Help with Healing
  3. Honey is better for regulating blood sugar levels than regular sugar.
  4. Rich in Antioxidants.

Gluten Free Honey Brands

  1. Capilano.
  2. Nature Nate’s.
  3. GloryBee.
  4. Bee Harmony.
  5. Local Fischer’s.
  6. Mike’s Hot Honey.
  7. Sioux Honey.
  8. L.R. Rice.
  9. Wholesome Sweeteners
  10. Greenbow Organic Honey
  11. Thrive Market Raw Honey
  12. Bee Keepers Natural
  13. Comvita
  14. Mountain Somers
  15. Puriti

When Is Honey Not Gluten Free?

Plain honey is always gluten free. But honey that has been used to flavor other foods may be contaminated by gluten. Honey is commonly used to sweeten cereal, yogurt, baked goods and dressings. So be sure to check the other ingredients on the package!

Honey could also be packaged in a manufacturing plant that processes other products that contain gluten. In this case cross contamination is possible. So while you can be assured that honey is gluten free. If you’re sensitive to trace amounts of gluten make sure to only buy honey that is labeled gluten free.

Interesting Facts About Honey

Is gluten found in honey?

No gluten is not found in honey! Honey is mostly made up of carbohydrates from sugars not grains. Honey is a completely grain free substance produced by bees. Flower nectar is naturally gluten free.

Is bee honey gluten free?

Yes bee honey is gluten free! Honey is a naturally occurring food product that’s made by bees! Honey bees drink the nectar from flowers and then regurgitate it back at the hive. They dump the nectar into cells called a honey comb. Then they dry the nectar with their wings. Once the nectar is dry the bees coat the honeycomb in wax to seal it.

What are the Different Types of Gluten Free Honey?

  1. Clover Honey
  2. Acacia Honey
  3. Wild Flower Honey
  4. Sourwood Honey
  5. Avocado Honey
  6. Palmetto Honey
  7. Fireweed Honey
  8. Buckwheat Honey
  9. Blueberry Honey
  10. Linden Honey
  11. Heather Honey
  12. Tupelo Honey
  13. Orange Blossom Honey
  14. Sage Honey
  15. Dandelion Honey
  16. Macadamia Nut Honey
  17. Manuka Honey
  18. Eucalyptus Honey

Which Honey is the Healthiest?

Honey does have health properties like being antiviral, its rich in antioxidants and it’s easier for our bodies to manage glucose levels in our blood. But which one is the healthiest? While all honey is healthy, they are not all equal. The more processed honey is the less healthy it will be.

The healthiest honey is raw, unprocessed and unfiltered honey. Usually you can get raw honey from a local farm, farmers market or health food store. Raw honey is grittier than processed honey. Processed honey has been filtered so that the honey is smooth like maple syrup instead of bumpy and gritty.

Honey Substitute

Nothing tastes quite like the sweetness that comes from honey. But if you’re vegan you can use agave nectar instead. Any liquid sweetener will do but agave has a neutral flavor that won’t combat with the flavor of other ingredients in the food.

You could also use maple syrup. Keep in mind that maple syrup has a nutty flavor and smell that will show up in the food.

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